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Developer Guide

Table of Contents


In this project, we have referenced the following list of materials:

We have used the following third-party libraries:

Design & Implementation

This section describes the implementation of core main menu features.


The menu is accessed through a call to static method main() of the AllOnUs class. The Class Diagram below shows the overall structure of the application from the menu’s point of view. The AllOnUs class and other classes that are coupled to the menu are therefore included.

Note: Exception classes are left out of this diagram that aims to show the core structure of the application. is*Command() and is*Mode() methods here refers to all methods of these forms (more on this will be elaborated later in detail).

As illustrated in the Class Diagram above, the AllOnUs class only associates to one of each of the other classes. These classes are, namely:

Now we will look at the sequence of operations that take place upon a call to method main() of the AllOnUs class. Below is a sequence diagram that shows the core interactions between associated classes and objects in the execution and runtime of the programme.

As illustrated in the diagram, once main() method of AllOnUs is called, a new unnamed :AllOnUs object is created for which we execute the non-static method run(), which contains a loop for sustained interaction with the user (command line). Objects for the ContactsManager (contactsManager), StudyManager (studyManager), ExpenseTracker (expenseTracker), StorageFile (storageFile) and TextUi (ui) classes are also created, where Logger (logger) object is already contained in the relevant field of the :AllOnUs object.

Once the run() method is called, the program enters a loop with the following sequence:

1) is*Mode() method is called with parameter mode of enumeration Mode. If mode has value not corresponding to menu mode, step 2 executes. Else, step 3 executes.

2) either of expenseRunner() (belongs to expenseTracker), studyManagerRunner() (belongs to studyManager) or contactsRunner() (belongs to contactsManager) methods is called depending on mode value.

3) getUserInput() method is called, which belongs to object ui, and then checks the returned string for whether it is a command to enter a particular section (essentially step 2), to get help, to exit the application or is an empty or unrecognizable command.

Steps 1 and 2:

mode can only take 4 possible values which are reflected in the class diagram above in the Mode enumeration.

mode is updated upon every return from a method call to any of the manager/tracker objects. This allows for user to indicate whether they actually want to return to the menu (mode is set to MENU when user enters menu command in any of the other sections) or want to enter another section of the application (mode is set to any other value of mode when user enters a valid goto command in any of the other sections) from the section they entered the command from. The mode value is checked by calls to methods of the form is*Mode() which are isContactsManagerMode(), isStudyManagerMode() and isExpenseTrackerMode().

For example, if user is currently in expense tracker (runner method of expenseTracker is executing) and user wants to return to menu, the return value of the runner method will update mode to MENU for the next iteration in the menu (step 3 executes). If the user, say, wants to jump to the study manager, the return value of the runner method will update mode to STUDY_MANAGER and control will switch to the study manager (runner method of studyManager is called), which is essentially step 2.

Step 3:

Once the user enters a command, getUserInput() returns a string userInput which becomes a parameter for a function call to static method is*Command(), which belongs to the AllOnUs class, and the is*Command() method is of the form isStudyManagerCommand(), isContactsManagerCommand() and isExpenseTrackerCommand(), isHelpCommand(), isExitCommand() and isEmptyCommand() which are called in a certain sequence. These methods return boolean values which indicate whether userInput is a command concerning either of the following actions.


Study Manager component


The StudyManager component,

  1. Stores the academic schedule, i.e. all Module objects are contained in a modulesList object.
  2. Integrates,, and package exceptions with the rest of the application.
  3. The storage is bound to modulesList list such that everytime a change is observed in the list it is saved on to a file.
  4. Does not depend on other components like ExpenseTracker and ContactsManager.

How StudyManager works:

  1. Based on a command entered by the user, StudyManager can perform the following functions
    • add
    • list
    • delete
    • edit
    • find
    • read ics
  2. The StudyManager class makes use of the ModuleParser class to validate user inputs and Module parameters.
    • If there are any errors in the entry of Module parameters they are handled by the various exceptions in the exceptions package.
  3. There are two ways to add to the moduleList to keep track of academic schedule
    • Either the user can choose to add the modules one by one. (See user guide for add feature)
    • Or the user can choose to read from NUSMods .ics calendar file of their academic schedule. (See user guide for read ics feature)
      • This is more convenient as it can add multiple modules at a single go.
      • This feature makes use of the API.

The two ways to add modules are illustrated in the sequence diagram below:

ModuleCalendarReader Component


Makes use of external library ical4j to parse calendar files of .ics type from NUSmods.

  1. The necessary details like module code, module class time, module category and module day are taken from this file and parsed.
  2. The timezones are originally in UTC which are converted to Singapore timezone.
  3. The data is represented in a format that is used throughout the application for module paramters.
  4. They are then loaded into a ArrayList<Module> and returned for use in

ModuleParser Component


  1. Used to parse user inputs and to validate input module parameters for add and edit functions, as well as to validate search query for find functions.
  2. Throws exceptions in package exceptions if there are any invalid inputs.

[Proposed] Graduation Tracker Feature

Every semester the user can add the modules they have taken so far. This becomes easier with the read ics feature. This can then be used and compiled to form the graduation requirements check list.

More parameters could be added to the Module class like moduleCredits and moduleClassification which would signify a module’s credits and classification into UEM, GE, core and TE breadth or TE Depth.

A new class called GradManager could be created. A new ArrayList<Module> called graduationList could be created, such that the user can add their modules to it once every semester. This list could show important details that could be set by the user such as total number of credits needed amd the number of credits in each moduleClassification. Based on the moduleCredits and moduleClassification the number of credits in each module classification can easily be calculated.

This list can then be used to track the user’s graduation requirements and as a checklist to plan their remaining modules.

The suggested architecture has been detailed in a class diagram depicted below:

[Proposed] Module Task Management Feature

Each module at NUS usually has a set of deliverables like assignments, exam dates, projects. This could be integrated into a task manager (similar to Duke) such that each module has a task list where the user can add any tasks that they would associate with that particular module. The architecture of the taskList has been detailed in a class diagram depicted below:

StudyManager can offer functions to view the combined task list for all modules or to just view for a specific module.

A sample implementation has been demonstrated in the sequence diagram depicted below.

Expense Tracker Component

The ExpenseTracker component consists of the ExpenseTracker class, ExpenseParser class and multiple custom Exception classes.

The ExpenseTracker class provides the main runner for the Expense module of AlloNUS. expenserunner() reads in user commands and interacts with the ExpenseParser class depending on what the user has typed in. The ExpenseParser class either returns with the parsed result or with a custom exception, in which the ExpenseTracker class continues validating the inputs of the user before executing the user’s commands.

How the Expense Tracker component is used:

  1. From the Main Menu, if the user decides to run goto Expense_Tracker, the ExpenseTracker class takes over.
  2. The expenseRunner() method begins by taking in user inputs depending on the user’s requirements. Some examples of valid commands include add, delete, list, edit and find.
  3. Depending on the user’s input, the ExpenseParser class calls parseXYZExpense where XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name (eg. parseDeleteExpense).
  4. If the parsing is valid (i.e. user followed the format of the command properly), the appropriate field values are returned to the ExpenseTracker class.
  5. The ExpenseTracker class takes these fields and validates them depending on the type of command entered by the user in Step 2. (eg. if an add command is issued, the ExpenseTracker class checks if the Date is formatted properly)
  6. After validating all checks, the command is executed accordingly within the ExpenseTracker class.

The Sequence Diagram below illustrates how the ExpenseTracker class operates if the user decides to add a new expense record:

[Proposed] Budgeting Reminder Feature

The proposed budgeting reminder feature is facilitated by ExpenseTracker and Expense class, which adds a private variable kept within the Expense class called budget. Additionally, it implements the following operations:

Users may choose to enable the Budgeting feature via the command enable followed by the amount of budget allocated in total. E.g enable 3000.

Whenever a new Expense record is added, the addExpense method of the ExpenseTracker class will check against the current available budget and whether the expense record will cause the budget amount to be exceeded. If it exceeds, the addition of the new expense record will be rejected.

If the enable feature is turned on with existing records in the list, the enable method will run through the current list of expense records and deduct from the budget accordingly. If it already exceeds the budget, the user will be forced to delete records until the budget is kept, or increase the budget accordingly.

Given below is an example usage scenario on how the Budgeting Reminder Feature works:

Step 1: The user navigates to the Expense Tracker for the first time, and decides to set a budget of $300.

Step 2: The user proceeds to add 2 expense records, each with an amount of $100.

Step 3: The user now tries to add 1 more expense record with an amount of $200. This exceeds the budget and hence the addition will not be processed.

The following sequence diagram shows how the budget is checked upon every new addition of expense records:


Contacts Manager Component

This section describes the design and implementation of Contacts Manager features.


The ContactsManager component:

Contact Parser Component


The Sequence Diagram below illustrates interactions between classes of objects for the static setContactFields(contact, fieldStrings) API call. Note that the portions of this API call related to load, save, and showing messages to users are abstracted away and left out in this sequence diagram.

This API call is used both for adding a new contact, and for editing existing contacts. When adding a new contact, an empty Contact object is supplied as an argument to setContactFields(), along with any strings of fields found in the user input.

For each string in the array fieldStrings, the method identifies which contact field the string corresponds to, get a reference to the Field object from contact, and then uses the polymorphic setField() call to update the value of the corresponding field of contact.

Decisions made about data validation in parsing:

Load and Store


Note: Exception classes are left out of this diagram that aims to show the core structure of the load-save functionality. TextUi class is also left out since it is used once for printing an error message. Some methods and attributes are not mentioned to keep the diagram simple while keeping the core information visible.

As seen from the class diagram above (which shows the portions relevant to the StorageFile class), the StorageFile class associates to a Logger class, a ContactsManager class, an ExpenseTracker class and a StudyManager class. The AllOnUs class (to do with main menu) associates to a StorageFile class (not shown in class diagram) and the manager and tracker classes associate to the StorageFile class as well.

The StorageFile class has private attributes fileName and dataFileRelativePath which define the name of the file and the relative path of the file to project directory, which are utilized in creating/locating the file by the StorageFile class. More details on this will be discussed soon.

All the methods in this class are public and the only static method setFields() is utilized by class AllOnUs to initialize the StorageFile class with instances of the ContactsManager, ExpenseTracker and StudyManager classes (used in the application) and the file related attributes.

get*InFileFormat(), load*() and create*() methods represent multiple methods that adhere to the respective forms and will be discussed further as needed.

We first talk about the save functionality.


Upon any modification to the lists maintained by the manager or tracker objects, a boolean isModified is changed to true (initially false at the start of every iteration of interaction with the user) and this triggers a call to the saveData() method of the StorageFile class. If the file for saving does not exist, it is created. While creating the file, if it is discovered the directory does not exist either, it is created first. These are done through calls to createFile() and createDirectory().

The total number of expense items maintained by the expense tracker is then obtained through a call to getExpenseCount() which is a method of the ExpenseTracker class. For each of these items, we get a file representation of this expense item through a call to getExpenseInFileFormat(), which obtains the specific expense item through a call to getExpenseList() and this item is converted into file format. The expense item entry is then written to the file in append mode and is now considered “saved”. These steps are repeated for module items managed by study manager and contact items managed by contacts manager.

After all entries have been saved, control returns to where the saveData() method was called from so that interaction with the user can resume.


This feature is only executed at the start of the application when we need to load the data stored on a file into our application. The loadData() method of StorageFile class is called by the run() method of AllOnUs class before entering the user interaction loop of the main menu. There is then a self-invocation of transferDataFromFileToList(), which opens the file to be loaded from before reading data from it. In the event the file does not exist, an exception FileNotFoundException is raised which is caught by the loadData() method and the file creation process described earlier occurs before a call to transferDataFromFileToList() again. In the sequence diagram above, this mechanism is described using “opt” to simplify the diagram but the outcome is equivalent to what is actually happening.

Once transferDataFromFileToList() is called (assuming the file is created by now, or the process above would repeat), each entry in the file is read and using a simple “if-else” clause we can determine whether the entry is an expense, a module or a contact (format of saved entry is specific to entry type). If it is an expense, loadExpense() is called which then calls loadAdd() belonging to the ExpenseTracker instance representing the expense tracker of the application. loadAdd() then calls the local method used for addition of expense entries into the locally maintained list. Here, we can see that the loading mechanism essentially relies on the underlying (already existing) item addition mechanisms that the manager and tracker classes possess to load entries correctly. Similar operations occur for entries of type module and contact.

Once all the entries have been loaded and there are no more lines to be read, the loop breaks and control returns to the run() method of :AllOnUs, so that interactions with the user can begin.


Product scope

Target user profile

Value proposition

This product helps NUS students who are struggling to keep track of their classes, expenses and networking centrally. It is a standalone product that works solely on data provided by the user. It also allows for parsing .ics files downloaded from NUSMods.

It solves the basic needs of a student such as managing academic schedule, expenses and contacts faster than a typical mouse driven or GUI driven apps.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 user add a new module refer when I am not sure what is on my schedule right now
v1.0 user list all modules get a list of all my modules in one place
v1.0 user delete a module remove modules or tasks that I am done with
v1.0 user add a new expense keep track of my expenditure
v1.0 user list all expenses get a list of all my expenses in one place
v1.0 user delete an expense remove expenses that I do not need to track
v1.0 user add a new contact keep track of my contacts
v1.0 user list all contacts get a list of all my contacts in one place
v1.0 user delete a contacts remove contacts that I do not need to track
v2.0 user find a module by name locate a module without having to go through the entire list
v2.0 user edit a module change details for my existing modules to ensure consistency
v2.0 user find an expense locate an expense without having to go through the entire list
v2.0 user edit an expense change details for my existing expenses
v2.0 user find a contact locate a contact without having to go through the entire list
v2.0 user edit a contact change details for my existing contacts
v2.0 user parse modules from NUSMods easily add all my modules with a single command
v2.0 user save and load entries from a session reload my entries from the previous session

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Application should work on any mainstream operating system that has Java 11 or above
  2. Application should work ideally for users who type fast, yet no need for users to have prior programming background
  3. Application should be able to perform load and store operations on any mainstream operating system without difficulty.


Terms Definition
Main Menu The Main Menu the user interfaces with to access the 3 components: ContactsManager, ExpenseTracker and StudyManager
Contacts The Contacts component which manages a list of contacts added by the user. It facilitates the adding, deleting, editing and finding of contacts as well.
Expense The Expense component which manages a list of expense records added by the user. It facilitates the adding, deleting, editing and finding of expense records as well.
Modules The Modules component which manages a list of expense records added by the user. It facilitates the adding, deleting, editing and finding of classes as well.
Storage The Storage class responsible for the saving to and loading from the save file respectively.
TextUi The TextUi class deals with all things related to printing and reading of lines for the user to interface with.
Parser Each component has their own respective parser, which makes sense of the user’s input before executing them.

Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually:

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launch and Shutdown

  1. Initial launch
    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty directory.
    2. Using command line, navigate to the above directory and execute the jar file.
  2. Shutdown
    1. Navigate to menu using menu command.
    2. Enter exit command to appropriately terminate the application.

Study Manager

  1. Deleting a module while all modules are shown.
    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using the list command. Ensure there are multiple modules in the list.
    2. Test case: rm 1
      1. Expected: First module is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted module shown in status message.
    3. Test case: rm 0
      1. Expected: No module is deleted from the list. Error details shown in the status message.
    4. Other incorrect delete commands to try: rm, rm 100000
      1. Expected: Error message similar to step 3.
  2. Adding a module to the list.
    1. Requires module code, category, day and time.
    2. Test case: add m/CS2113 c/lec d/Thursday t/2:00 pm-4:00 pm
      1. Expected: Module is added to the list and details are shown on the console.
    3. Test case: add m/CS2113
      1. Expected: No module is added to the list. Error details are shown on console.
    4. Other incorrect add commands to try: add, add c/lec t/4pm-6pm
      1. Or any commands that exclude one of the four requirements to add module.
      2. Expected: Error message similar to above.

Expense Tracker

  1. Adding a new expense record to the list
    1. Requires date, amount, category and remarks in proper format
    2. Test case: add d/2022-03-24 a/9.50 c/Movie r/Jujutsu Kaisen
      1. Expected: Expense record is added to the list and details are shown on the console.
    3. Test case: add d/Invalid Date Field a/9.50 c/Movie r/Jujutsu Kaisen
      1. Expected: Expense record not added due to invalid date format. Error details are shown on console.
    4. Test case: add d/2022-03-24 a/Invalid Amount Field c/Movie r/Jujutsu Kaisen
      1. Expected: Expense record not added due to invalid amount format. Error details are shown on console.
    5. Test case: add d/ a/ c/ r/
      1. Expected: Expense record not added due to missing values. Error details are shown on console.
    6. Test case: add m/
      1. Expected: Expense record not added due to missing fields. Error details are shown on console.
    7. Test case: add d/2022-03-24 a/500 c/Car r/Slash /in middle
      1. Expected: Expense record not added due to slash in invalid position. Error details are shown on console.
  2. Deleting an expense record after listing
    1. Prerequisites: List all expense records using the list command. Multiple records exist in the list.
    2. Test case: rm 1
      1. Expected: First expense record is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted record shown in status message.
    3. Test case: rm 0
      1. Expected: No module is deleted from the list. Error details shown on console.
    4. Other incorrect delete commands: rm
      1. Expected: Error message similar to step 3.
  3. Editing an existing expense record
    1. Prerequisites: Expense record exists in the list.
    2. Test case: edit 1
      1. Expected: Retrieves first expense record and asks user for field to edit.
    3. Test case: edit 0
      1. Expected: No expense record is retrieved to be edited. Error details shown on console.
    4. Test case:
      edit 1
      INVALIDFIELD randomvalue
      1. Expected: Retrieves first expense record, but does not edit any field due to unknown field parameter. Error details shown on console.
  4. Finding a specific expense record
    1. Prerequisite: Expense record exists in the list and contains the word “test”.
    2. Test case: find test
      1. Expected: Retrieves expense record which contains the word “test”
    3. Test case: find notest
      1. Expected: No expense record retrieved as keyword is not found in any record.
    4. Test case: find
      1. Expected: No expense record retrieved as keyword not specified. Error details shown on console.
      2. Expected: Error messge similar to above.

Contacts Manager

  1. Adding a new contact
    1. Test case: add n/Name1 f/Faculty e/ d/Description
      Expected: A contact with the above fields will be added to the list. Details of the added contact shown in the status message. New number of contacts in the list are also shown.
    2. Test case: add e/ d/Description n/Name2 f/Faculty
      Expected: Similar to the previous.
    3. Test case: add n/Name3 f/Faculty e/invalid email d/Description
      Expected: Similar to the previous, with reminder that the email may be invalid.
    4. Test case: add n/Name1 f/Faculty e/ d/Description
      Expected: No contact is added. Error details shown in the status message, indicating that Name1 is already in the list of contacts.
    5. Other incorrect delete commands to try: add (no fields), add n/ (invalid fields), add f/fac d/desc (missing fields), …
    6. Note that any input between the add command and the first delimiter are ignored
  2. Deleting a contact while all contacts are shown.
    1. Prerequisites: Show all contacts using the list command. Ensure that there are contacts in the list. A message will be shown to indicate an empty list.
    2. Test case: rm 1
      Expected: First contact is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted contact shown in the status message. Number of contacts left in the list are also shown.
    3. Test case: rm 0
      Expected: No contact is deleted. Error details shown in the status message.
    4. Other incorrect delete commands to try: rm, rm x (where x is negative or larger than the list size), rm not_a_number, …
      Expected: Similar to previous.

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